During the Second World War, more bombs by weight were dropped on the city of Berlin than on the whole of Great Britain during the entire war. All German cities with more than 50,000 inhabitants were destroyed by 50% to 80%.
The great city of Dresden, known as the Florence of Northern Europe, was incinerated, and up to 300,000 civilians were burned and buried in the ruins. Hamburg was destroyed and 70,000 civilians died in the most appalling circumstances, while the former city of Cologne was transformed into a moonscape.
Among the German and European cities incinerated were Berlin, Hamburg, Dortmund, Essen, Dresden, Frankfurt, Nuremberg, Düsseldorf, Hanover, Bremen, Wuppertal, Vienna, Duisburg. Munich, Magdeburg, Leipzig, Mannheim, Stuttgart, Kiel, Gelsdenkirchen, Bochum, Aachen, Wurzburg, Darmstadt, Krefeld, Munster, Munchen Gladbach, Braunschweig, Ludwishafen, Remscheid, Pforzheim, Osnabrück Mainz, Bielefeld, Gieben, Duren, Solingen, Wilhelmshaven, Karlsruhe, Oberhausen, Heilbronn, Augsburg, Hamm, Knittelfeld, Luneburg, Cuxhaven, Kulmback, Hagen, Saarbrucken, Freiburg, Graz, Koblenz, Ulm, Bonn Bremerhaven, Wanne-Eickel, Worms, Lubeck, Schweinfurt, Kleve, Wiener Neustadt, Wiesbaden, Paderborn, Bocholt, Hanau, Hildesheim, Emden, Siegen, Pirmasons, Hale, Bayreuth, Kreuznach, Witten, Aschaffenburg Kaiserlautern, Gladbeck, Dorsten, Innsbruck, Neumunster, Linz, Klagenfurt, Reutlingen, Recklinghausen, Reuel, Regensburg, Homberg, Elmshorn, Wetzel, Villach, Hamelin, Konigsberg, Moers, Passau, Solbad Hall I. T, Coburg, Attnang-Puchheim, Friedrichshafen, Frankfurt-Oder, Gdansk, Chemnitz, Rostock, Schwerte, Plauen, Bad Kreuznach, Rotterdam, Nijmegen, Rome, Naples, Genoa, Milan, Turin, Messina, Bolzano, Marseilles, Nice, Le Havre, Caen, Rouen, Orléans, Paris, Lyon, Saint-Étienne, Grenoble, Chambéry, Schaffhausen.
Basil Liddell Hart, the eminent British war historian and strategist, declared that thanks to this strategy, victory had been achieved "by practising the most uncivilized means of warfare the world has known since the Mongol invasions". The Evolution of Warfare. Baber & Faber, 1946, p.75.
Sign the petition against Germanophobie !

Introduction of a new penal norm
Defence of the German and European People
Public insults against Germans
One who publicly maintained under an ideological cover in relation to the historical events known as Genocide, Holocaust and Shoah the claim that the Germans killed the Jews;
Whoever publicly propagates the idea of the immanent and timeless guilt of the German people in the aforementioned events;
Shall be punished by deprivation of liberty for a maximum of three years or by a pecuniary penalty.
What is the purpose of this petition ?
Its purpose is to make the population aware of the permanent accusations made against the Germans, who are said to be a murderous people.
This petition - if successful - would be followed by a federal popular initiative which would aim to make public insults against Germans reprehensible in the same terms.
Is this antisemitic?
No. It is pro-German. And pro-Swiss because three-quarters of the population are German-speaking.
I am not German or German-speaking. Not even Swiss. Can I sign?
Yes, you can.
Who are the circles behind this initiative?
This petition is on the initiative of the Swiss and European National Front for the Defence of Race and Culture (FNSEDRC), a French-speaking nationalist movement created in 2019 by the Genevan Alexandre Bender.
It is supported by various nationalist movements in the French-speaking world.

Bulletin du FNSEDRC - Abonnez-vous
Envoi sur demande du périodique politique mensuel catho-nazi Le Front (par courrier électronique uniquement). Possibilité de recevoir les six premiers numéros en service de presse (mentionnez “SP“). Premier numéro, mai 2021.
Ecrire à lefront@protonmail.com