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The actual number of deaths in all German camps


The International Red Cross was present in all labor, internment, concentration and prison camps during World War II. The Red Cross never had access to any Soviet camps before, during or after World War II. Under pressure from the revisionists (Robert Faurisson and Ernst Zundel), particularly at the two Zundel trials (Toronto, 1985 and 1988), these authorities finally made revelations on these registers from 1989 onwards, despite strong objections from Israel. They claim to have found registers only for the period from July 29, 1941 to December 31, 1943, not without some gaps. Red Cross records seem to indicate that there were no gas chambers in German camps during the Second World War and an extraordinarily lower total of documented victims than those generally advanced until then. As for the deaths, they would be mainly due to typhus. Above are three documents from the International Tracing Service in Arolsen, part of the Geneva Red Cross. On the left, a 1979 summary showing 271,301 deaths in German camps. In the center, a 1980 summary showing 273,905 deaths. On the right, from 1984 reporting 282,077 deaths.

Germar Rudolf :

"There are two main sources for determining the number of Jews who died during the Second World War: the International Tracing Service, dependent on the International Committee of the Red Cross in Geneva, but located in Bad Arolsen (FRG), and all the German administrations responsible for making payments for "restitutions", "compensation" and "reparations". All these bodies are closed to independent researchers. In particular, the International Tracing Service has taken precautions since it has noticed that revisionists are interested in its forty million records.

To date, only the figures provided by the International Committee of the Red Cross can be considered certain. The special office of the ICRC in Bad Arolsen keeps track of all officially documented deaths in the German concentration camps of the Third Reich. A summary as of January 1, 1993 shows 296,081 deaths. The distribution of these deaths among the different camps is shown in the table opposite.

In Germar Rudolf, Dissecting the Holocaust, 2e éd., 2003, p. 21

A count of Jews probably constitutes about half of the total.

"It should be kept in mind, however, that this list is not complete. The camps of Chelmno, Belzec, Sobibór and Treblinka do not appear in the table, as do those who died in the ghettos. Finally, it should be remembered that according to the "Books of Death", about 66,000 people died in Auschwitz at the end of 1943 alone, and that the Americans mentioned 25,000 deaths in the Dachau concentration camp during the war. A realistic estimate of the actual number of victims can therefore be twice as high as the total number of named victims recorded in the Arolsen records. The number of victims registered by name would now be around 450,000 (W. Sofsky, The Organization of Terror - The Concentration Camps, Fischer, Frankfurt 1993, p. 331, footnote 37). These are probably largely Jews, but the exact figures are not yet known.

Even from this point of view, it is clear that death claimed a large number of victims. "

According to the American revisionist Thomas Dalton [his identity remains unclear and could be a pseudonym - Ed.], "it seems likely that about 570,000 Jews died during the entire Second World War. The author of Debating the Holocaust (2009) comments :

"The traditional figure of 6 million deaths thus seems to have been a dramatic and unsubstantiated overestimate. The most likely figure - around 570,000 - is less than 10% of this figure."

Auschwitz figures

The Nuremberg trials told us that 4 million people were killed at Auschwitz. It had been an official dogma for decades and everyone believed it to be a fact. Then, in 1989, when the communist system collapsed, the Russians put into their archives the death records from Auschwitz that had been captured and the Poles quickly revised the death toll down to 1.5 million. This is still no more credible than the original lie of 4 million dead.

Official death certificates from the Auschwitz camp revealed that the death toll for all Jewish and non-Jewish prisoners at Auschwitz between May 1940 and December 1944 was 74,000, of which only about 30,000 were Jews. (68,864 deaths according to Robert Faurisson who cites the work of Grotum and Parcer) The death registers consist of 46 volumes documenting each death at Auschwitz (each death certificate includes the full name of the deceased, his or her profession and religion, date and place of birth, place of residence before Auschwitz, name of parents, time of death and cause of death as determined by a camp doctor). The files for the most important years, 1942 and 1943, are almost complete (there are also a few volumes for the year 1941, but none for the year 1944 or January 1945, the date of the evacuation).

British intelligence services have deciphered that Jews represented less than 40% of the prisoners at Auschwitz. The decryptions constitute a day-to-day record of the number of people living in Auschwitz (and in other camps) and these intercepted messages give four categories : Poles, Jews, Russians and "political prisoners" sometimes referred to as "Germans". Jews represented less than 40% of Auschwitz, only about 12% of Dachau and only about 30% of Buchenwald.

For the American Arthur R. Butz and other revisionists, the total number of deaths at Auschwitz (a complex which at the end of the war included 39 camps) must have been between 100,000 and 150,000, including less than 100,000 Jews. The Italian Carlo Mattogno and the Swiss Jürgen Graf have articulated a total figure of 136,000. Most of the Jews were not killed but died, mainly because of typhus epidemics. The revisionists point out that if the Germans had had greater quantities of the insecticide Zyklon B at their disposal precisely to combat these epidemics, fewer people would have died at Auschwitz, not only among Jews, Poles, Russians and other prisoners, but also among doctors, guards and other German officials.



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