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For a Holodomor Memorial in Geneva


Dernière mise à jour : 19 août 2021

There is no international memorial in Geneva, an international city and world headquarters of human rights, that recalls the crimes against Christians, in which non-Christian Swiss participated, and that could become a symbol of the recognition that Christian lives count.

This duty of remembrance is very important so that this past of dehumanization cannot be forgotten, and so that the awareness of the young generations can be constant and perennial.

With this Petition addressed to the City Council of Geneva, we solemnly request the construction of a Memorial in memory of the victims of the Holodomor.


N.B. - This Petition can be signed by any person or organization living or not in Switzerland!


Holodomor, Ukraine 1933: The genocide by starvation of Ukrainians

Here is a text distributed by the Representative Committee of Ukrainians in France during the commemorations organized in Brittany in memory of the millions of Ukrainians murdered by starvation during the 1930s by the Judeo-Bolshevik power [1].

Ukraine 1933... the "breadbasket" of Europe, the richest "black lands" of the world look like a gigantic mass grave. Stalin and the Communist Party exterminated, by an artificial and programmed famine, millions of Ukrainians who were resistant to communism and Russification.

The implementation of the Holodomor, which literally means "murder by hunger", begins in 1929 with the application of genocidal processes as defined by the 1948 UN Convention on Genocide. Moscow puts an end to the cultural and linguistic Ukrainianization, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, in a climate of anti-Christian hatred, is liquidated; the intelligentsia is deported, assassinated. Even the Communist Party is "purged" of its Ukrainian members. Then, it is the peasantry, the most numerous, that is to say 25 million Ukrainians, who will undergo the most violent collectivization: the peasants are forced, by terror, to join the collective industrial farms (kolkhozes). They are dispossessed of their land and livestock. The recalcitrant were killed and deported to the Gulag.

Collectivization caused hundreds of thousands of victims in Ukraine, but it is not the cause of the Holodomor, it is the means. Moscow, in a climate of proclaimed killing of the Ukrainian peasant, demands from the kolkhozes exorbitant quotas that Ukraine cannot provide. Famine sets in. From the winter of 1932-1933, the communist activists steal, destroy the food reserves of individual houses. The Russian and Belorussian borders are closed, the access to the cities is forbidden to the farmers. Death by hunger reigns supreme. Cannibalism appears. Bands of orphans and starving peasants wander through the cities, they are drowned, they are locked in wagons and barracks where they die, they are deported.

The famine ceased in the fall of 1933. In 1937, the Great Terror hit the cities, and the peasants who had taken refuge there were not spared. The Holodomor claimed between six and seven million victims. The United Nations and Europe qualified it as a "crime against humanity", 27 States qualified it as genocide.

The Representative Committee of Ukrainians in France

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